Many Employees Prefer Nudity When Working From Home

03/01/2006, Sunnyvale, CA — A worldwide survey of high-tech employees who work out of their homes has revealed that many of them do their business while nude.

While about 39% of respondents of both sexes said they wear sweats or pajamas while working from home, 12% of males and 7% of females admitted to wearing nothing at all.

The results also showed all respondents were more relaxed about their personal habits when working remotely as opposed to an office environment. In matters of cleanliness, the difference between the sexes was more pointed: 44% of women surveyed said they showered on work-at-home days, as opposed to men, who were slightly more likely to shave (33%) than wash (30%). 18% of men regularly break off to do household tasks such as laundry, dishwashing or dusting whereas many more women — over 38% — found their attention claimed by chores. 76% of the employees surveyed believe that working remotely is an aid to productivity and 61% are also convinced that their managers agree with them.

Respondents said that the chief attraction of working remotely was the ability to maintain a flexible schedule. Telecommuting employees said they took the opportunity to eat and drink outside standard times (about 35%); listen to music (45%) or watch TV (28%); and 21% of all respondents admitted to sneaking in an afternoon nap.

Taking a longer lunch than at the workplace was also relatively rare (12%). Fewer than 50% said they accessed any applications other than web mail when working outside the office.

SonicWall, a well-known manufacturer of remote access network security systems, conducted the survey of 941 mobile and other remote workers, representing many of the major companies based in and around Silicon Valley, at the end of 2005. 650 responses to the survey came from the United States, with the remainder from Australia, Canada, Asia Pacific, Japan and Europe. The majority of respondents were in the 25 to 45 age range.

Full results of the survey results are posted on the SonicWall website at