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We only accept outside ads in two sizes, what we call "business card size" (2"high x 3 1/2" wide) and "double business card size <4"high x 3 1/2" wide). The reason for this is we don't want one resort or product to dominate our newsletter or web site space with a huge ad, as often happens in other naturist publications. Also, 3 1/2" is the width of our standard newsletter column so you ad fits better into the layout of the overall printed page.
SCNA also accepts personal ads from its members. These ads may be up to 50 words in length and are usually framed without any graphics, and these are also 3 1/2" wide. The height of personal ads vary depending on word count, but they ar enever taller than 2' in height.
Comparison of the two Newsletter Ad Sizes

Size = 2”h x 3.5”w

Size = 4”h x 3.5”w |
Length of Contract: 3 Options
Ads may be placed for 12 months (the most often chosen), for 6 months, or for one month only.
Guidelines and Terms
- Advertising copy must be received "photo ready" by SCNA no later than the 25th of any calendar month preceding publication
- SCNA defines “photo-ready” as being in either (a) printed on glossy or flat paper 3.5 inches wide by 2
inches tall, or (b) an electronic file in TIFF, GIF or JPG format, saved in the exact “business-card” size
required. SCNA will not enlarge or reduce the size on any artwork submitted.
- Submitted advertising copy is not returnable.
- Print "Do NOT BEND" on the outside of the envelope
- Your ad may be in color, but the hard-copy version mailed to the SCNA mail list will be in
black and white. A link to a color PDF-formatted version of the newsletter is sent by email to all members and
newsletter subscribers.
- The web site ads on the Activity Calendar are in color.
- SCNA retains the right to refuse ads from individuals and businesses that in the Board’s opinion is contrary
to the vision of the organization.
- “Personal ads” are accepted from SCNA paid members only (subject to content approval.)
- Ad location in both the newsletter and web site are at the discretion of SCNA.
- Changes to the original ad submitted by the SUBSCRIBER are allowed at any time during the contract period, but these changes must be photo ready and received before the 25th of any calendar month preceding publication.
- Advertisers will receive a free black & white mailed copy of the newsletter plus a monthly link to the on-line color version each month for the length of the advertising contract.
How to Submit You Ad
(1) via regular mail (hard copy) to our SCNA office at:
Advertising Department
Southern California Naturist Association
23679 Calabasas Road, Suite 940
Calabasas, CA 91302
or (2) via email attachment (3MB maximum size). Please submit your ad "photo ready."
On the subject line, include the text: SCNA Advertising Copy
Click here for:
Ad Rate Card and Pay Pal Instructions
Questions? Contact us at (818) 225-2273 or email address on the line above.
You Don’t Have To Be A Nudist Yourself To Advertise Here!
All you have to do is believe that nudists have the right to their own “space” without government interference in their chosen beliefs, just as we support the rights of others to their own beliefs and values, even if they differ from ours.
In exchange we believe you have the right to make money off of us! Recent polls reveal over 25% of the US population had tried skinny dipping in the presence of others. That is a huge potential market (150,000 people!) for whatever you are selling.
SCNA is a California Mutual Benefit Non-Profit 501(c)(7) Corporation, Approved by the IRS in May, 2003 (The organization was founded in January, 2002).