We have heard from many first-timers at our monthly Meetups that they are confused by the correct
usage of some of the colloquial terminology used at nudist venues and events. Nudists’ vocabulary,
like the language in all areas of culture, morphs over time, and clubs in different regions of the
country or members of specific clubs use some terms of these differently than members of other
groups. However, the terms below should shed a little light on general definitions and help you
navigate your way around the lawn during your first visit to a naturist event:
Clothing-optional – While this may seem pretty selfexplanatory, clothing optional resorts often require
visitors who wish to use the swimming pool, Jacuzzi, or sauna to do so naked. People who remain dressed during
their entire visit to a clothing-optional facility may be viewed as a voyeur and, appropriately, asked to leave.
Check the club’s policies before assuming that the choice is yours throughout the place.
Clothing-free – Most nudists practice “dressing for comfort” – putting on or taking off clothing according to
weather conditions, for example. However, clothing-free resorts, cruises, etc. expect members and visitors to
remain nude as much as possible.
Naturist vs. Nudist– Although many use these terms
interchangeably, especially in the United States, “naturist”
is the preferred term in Europe. Naturist also implies a
person with a greater appreciation for nature in general.
Many naturist sites are campgrounds and beaches,
focused less on the high-end amenities than other nudist
resorts. Naturists are more active physically (volleyball,
hiking, etc.) and practice healthy eating and a minimal
impact on the environment. Many (but not all) also are
non-smokers and drink very little (or no) alcohol.
Nude vs. Naked – Art historians have been debating the
differences between the words "nude" and "naked" for
centuries. Traditionally, "nude" is a term used to describe
an unclothed person who has a degree of body acceptance
and who is comfortable in his/her surroundings.
Uninformed people like to use "naked" interchangeably
with "nude", which is not the same. We define "naked" as
meaning "exposed" or "vulnerable." Example: “She was
buck naked on the beach” implies some jeopardy. "She
was nude on the beach" does not.
Nakation – A term invented by AANR (the American
Association for Nude Recreation) a few years ago as a
play on the over-used term "stay-cation" (staying at home
during one's vacation). On a "Nakation" the participants
are partially or totally nude during all or part of it, usually
at some nudist resort or on a cruise with other nudists.
Skinny-dipping – Nude swimming.
Topless vs. Top-Free – “Topless” brings images of
dancers on poles with dollar bills in their G-strings. The
term preferred among nudists is “top-free.”
Non-landed – This term refers to clubs or organizations
that do not own property on which they gather. Members
of non-landed (otherwise known as “travel”) clubs often
meet for special events, such as a camping trip, volleyball
tournament, or beach outing, or may gather at members’
homes to enjoy each other’s company. SCNA is a "nonlanded"
Landed – A clubs or destination resort which owns land
on which they may or may not have club houses,
swimming pools, or other amenities which members and
guests enjoy without clothes. An outdated term from the
1940's to describe landed clubs was "nudist camp" or
"nudist colony." We are not lepers. Please do not use
these archaic terms as nudists deem them offensive.
Lifestyle – This word is often a “code” for “swinger
clubs” in which sexual behavior in front of others is
condoned. While people often refer to a nudist’s
"lifestyle" when discussing the general attitude of
naturists or nudists, talking about a “lifestyle resort”
typically refers to one patronized by swingers. Many
nudists use the phrase "chosen way of life" instead.
Textiles – Those who wear bathing suits. Nudists use this
pejorative term to describe a non-nudist who endlessly
speculates as to what is beneath the cloth of others, who
peeks whenever possible, who believes on faith without
ever having been to a nudist place that nudity equates to
Cotton-Tails – A fun commentary on a newbie's tan lines
as opposed to the veteran nudist who has none. It is not
meant to be insulting but be careful who you say it to!
Smoothie – A person who shaves much of his/her body hair off. Hairless genitals has become a popular form of
self-expression during the past decade, as is body jewelry (placed in various places besides ear lobes) and tattoos.
Remember, it’s not polite to stare (or to make a comment).