What better way to view the nudist experience than through the eyes of a child? Here is a gallery of drawings submitted by our youngest members about our lifestyle. We welcome any stories, or poems, etc. others may wish to contribute to our efforts. Some names below may have been changed at the request of the artist or parent.
Below that is a series of articles that focus on nudist youth. One of our Educational goals is to provide a safe environment for naturist families to enjoy their lifestyle choice in privacy among friends of similar vision.
Note: It is SCNA policy NEVER to display on our web site any photograph that contains a person under the age of 18, clothed or not, with parental permission or not.

Young Adults and Social Nudity
Young people in their late teens and early twenties are interested in social nudity — just not the kind offered to them at existing resorts. This article explores the reasons the current nudist movement is failing the next generation of potential members.
Old Enough To Make A Lanyard, And To Do It Nude
This is the article that appeared in the New York Times in June 2003, which started the public controversy about whether or not children under age 18 should be allowed to attend a summer camp where the participants are nude.
My First Nude Youth Leadership Camp Experience
A sixteen year old describes what it was like attending a Nude Youth Camp in Florida. Sorry, Rep. Foley, nothing out of the ordinary happened!
POINT… Support Nudist Youth Camps!"
Dr. Marvin Frandsen makes a passionate plea to retain the Nude Youth Camps and examines what he concludes are fallacies in both major arguments (called here Theory A and Theory B) made by camp opponents.
COUNTERPOINT… Ban Nude Youth Summer Camps!"
Esther Hartstein of the Conservative Intellectual lays out her opposition to AANR Nudist Youth Camps, calling them centers of
child abuse of a pernicious sort.
Some Perspective on Naturist Youth Camps
Dr. Paul LeValley writes that naturist youth camps have been around for a long time — since 1939 — and the evidence suggests the kids survive it just fine despite the claims of politicians who have no evidence to support their bias.
The rights of parents to impart their values to their children and raise their children as they see fit are sacred.
AANR Ambushed on John Walsh TV Show, 9/2003
File this story under
What Did You Expect?
(The JANNR Youth Camp Controversy Continues…)