So, would you like to know about…
Who We Are
Established in 2001, SCNA is the largest naturist travel club in Southern California. We seek to promote and encourage clothing-optional recreation, education and personal growth throughout Southern California. In 2003 SCNA became a Non-Profit 501(c)(7) Mutual Benefit California Corporation. We are governed by a seven-person Board of Directors, elected annually by participating members.
What We Believe
We support the American ideal of Liberty. Individuals and groups should have the freedom to express and practice their beliefs and desires as long as it does not interfere with the rights of others. It is our belief that there is no harm, and much benefit, in the responsible practice of social nudity. Persons who so desire should be able to enjoy life and recreation without the restriction of clothing. Such practice has been well established in America for over 75 years, with roots extending back to the very beginnings of the nation. We understand that many people may be uncomfortable with seeing others without clothing, and we have no desire to shock, so we wish to establish and maintain areas and opportunities where we may enjoy our time while allowing those who do not wish to be exposed to nudity to easily avoid us.
A 2006 Roper poll conducted nationally showed that over 55 million Americans had “skinny-dipped” and that, of those polled, 74% believe people who enjoy nude sunbathing should be able to do so without interference from local officials, as long as they do so at a beach that is accepted for that purpose.
Demographics show nudism attracts a wide cross section of society, with people representing all colors, religions, occupations, body types, age groups, and income brackets. Our members reside in communities from Santa Maria to San Diego, although most live in the Los Angeles basin. This list includes singles, couples, families, and students. We practice inclusion, not exclusion. We include men and women of all ages and all shapes and sizes who are age 18+, single or with families.
We also have a strong set of behavior guidelines and a screening process so that our members may enjoy a private, safe and protected environment. Members are held accountable for the actions of their guests. We are also completely clothing-optional, which is appealing to some who may be uncomfortable at a club or resort that may require nudity. If one is comfortable with our being nude, we are comfortable with you being clothed. It is against our policy to even comment on one’s state of dress.
National Affiliations
SCNA is a participating club in both national naturist organizations, the American Society for Nude Recreation (AANR) and The Naturist Society. AANR focuses on naturist issues at established landed resorts while The Naturist Society focuses on creating and preserving nudist beaches and other public access locations. As affiliates, we offer our members a discounted rate to join these organizations below that normally charged nationally to join individually.
We feel it is very important to have our members support these national organizations as they provide support for us as a group and as individuals in times of need. But we also believe each member should make that decision for themselves, as there is an extra cost above our member dues to belong. For this reason, SCNA does not require you to join AANR or TNS but we do strongly encourage it.
Meet “Nudie”
Nudie the Gnome is our club mascot and he travels with us to all major events. He has brought us much good luck over the years. (This is the only nudist gnome manufactured in the world.)
Our Local Events and Activities - Who May Attend?
SCNA participating members may attend our club-sponsored activities for a reduced fee, enough to cover our expenses. Guests of members (and ANNR and TNS members) pay a higher admittance fee (about $10 more than members) to attend our events. Members of other local naturist organization are admitted at the SCNA member rate. This is a reciprocal arrangement with most of the other non-landed clubs in our area.
Visit our calendar page for specific information about backyard and “theme” parties, our periodic trips to local landed nudist parks in the area, bowling, yoga, hiking and other activities.
Please read our review of last year’s activities (pdf) to get an idea of the types of things we enjoy doing.
If you would like to attend one of our clothing-optional activities, we would like to invite you. For the protection of our members and guests we must insist that all attendees be of good character. To help ensure that, you must be sponsored by a member who guarantees the behavior of their guests, or you must join us for one of our many “Meet-Up” dinners, where we can get to know you before deciding to invite you to an event. We also will collect identification to conduct a background check, particularly looking for offenses against children and violent acts.
SCNA’S Monthly Meet-Up Dinner and Discussion Group

This meeting is for First-Timers and Newcomers (and Members too!)
Each month, SCNA hosts a monthly dinner and discussion group at different pizza parlors or restaurants around the greater Los Angeles area. This is a way to introduce new people to naturism and to dispel mistaken impressions that non-nudists may have about us.
Anyone with a sincere interest in discussing naturist issues is welcome. Dinners will be “dutch”. Bring yourselves, some money for food, and your thoughts and enthusiasm. Also, bring your curious friends and spouses!
Benefits of Membership
- SCNA Newsletter — Receive our monthly journal filled with interesting articles and activity information. This publication has won multiple Best Newsletter awards from among all other comparable nudist clubs in America.
- Discount Fee at SCNA Events — Your membership card gets you into most club activities at the discounted member rate, usually about $10 per person lower than that charged to non-member guests. If you attend just two events per year, it is less expensive to have a membership!
- Invite your Own Guests to SCNA Events — If you have friends or relatives who you think would enjoy one of our events, and you are willing to guarantee that they will abide by our behavior guidelines, you are welcome to invite them to attend. They will still need to pay the non-member rate.
Gain Access to Local Resorts — SCNA has arranged with Olive Dell Nudist Resort for a discounted gate fee for most events. SCNA membership will also facilitate your admission to the other resorts in California. Always call ahead before you go to confirm the SCNA card is on their
list. - Attend Events Presented by Other Local Non-Landed Clubs — We have reciprocal agreements with several area naturist organizations to let our members attend their events for their member rates!
- Connections to Other Naturists — Members of the SCNA are invited to participate in regional and national naturist events. Make friends and have fun!
- The Member’s Only Corner — Paid members are given access to a special part of this web site where we provide our monthly newsletter in color, distribute corporate business, and share photos taken at events. (The password changes each month.)
- The “Intangible” Benefits — Create friendships that will last a lifetime! Visit interesting beaches, resorts, islands, campsites, and other places you would otherwise probably never visit on your own. Become part of a naturist organization where you can make a difference!
How to Join SCNA
Click HereMemberships are open to all persons 18 years of age or older, regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual preference. Applicants may be single, coupled (including same-sex couples), partnered (including acquaintances), or families with minor children. We do not discriminate against body jewelry or most tattoos.
Guidelines. Let's face it, nobody likes “rules”, but without them some people will violate the personal “space” of others. While most courtesies are common sense, some people just need them spelled out. So while a few members may practice a wide variety of lifestyles in the privacy of their own homes, all members and guests sign an agreement to abide by our Behavior Guidelines at our sponsored events and activities. Members are held table for the actions of their guests.
Print, read, and sign the Behavior Guidelines and submit it with your application.
Applicants are subject to a pre-approval background check. We screen under Megan's Law and for other major felonies, and we also network with other clubs and nudist resorts for names of people who are on their “do not admit” lists. We also require a copy of a current government-issued photo identification (i.e. driver's license or equivalent.) Prospective new members also are given a personal interview before being granted “Introductory Status” that lasts six months, after which your membership is reviewed and a regular “Participatory Membership” card may be issued.
Yes, it's a little time-consuming and meticulous, but single women, children, and others who attend our functions can feel safe from people who might have improper motives for being there!
Membership Fee Schedule
Make all checks are payable to SCNA; we also accept VISA and MasterCard via PayPal.
The current membership dues are: $90 annually for singles $115 annually for two-person couples/partners There is an additional $30 processing fee for first-time applicants, used to pay for the screening and interview process.
How to Renew?
Current SCNA Members may renew your memberships online, by mail, or in person at one of our events or meetings.
Want to Help But Don't Want to Join?
Your contribution of $25 or more helps us to carry out our educational mission throughout Southern California. You also receive an annual subscription to the monthly SCNA Newsletter, which will keep you informed about our efforts.
You don’t have to be a nudist yourself to become our Friend!
All you have to do is believe that nudists have the right to their own “space” — be it a secluded beach, backyard or forest trail — without government interference in their chosen beliefs, just as we support your right to your own beliefs and values, even if they differ from ours.